Get a landline number for your mobile

National or local landline numbers that divert calls straight to your mobile.

Get started now for just £9.95/month

Benefits of a landline, with the flexibility of a mobile

Our landline numbers give your business a more professional look by diverting calls directly to your mobile, so you never miss an important call!

3 simple steps to get started

It’s easy to get started. You choose your perfect landline number and which number you’d like your calls to go, and in just a few minutes you’ll be set up and ready to answer calls!

  1. 1

    Choose your number

    There’s a wide range of local and national numbers available.

  2. 2

    Divert your calls

    To a mobile, home phone or anywhere else!

  3. 3

    You’re all set!

    You can start receiving calls to your new number.

Get started now

How can Landline Anywhere help your business?

Your own landline number that diverts to your mobile, so you can take calls wherever you are!

  • Answer more calls

    Because calls divert seamlessly to your mobile, you never need to miss a call from a potential customer!

  • Get more business

    Project the right image for your business with a range of local and national numbers, to reassure new customers.

  • Reduce your bills

    Landline Anywhere numbers diverted to mobiles, are a cost effective way to keep in touch with your customers.

  • Greater control

    You can use the Landline Anywhere portal to manage your phone number with ease.

Key features of a Landline Anywhere number

Choose your own business number and we’ll automatically divert calls to your mobile, so you can take calls on the move!

  • Voicemail Box

    Easily receive voicemail messages, so you never miss a potential customer.

  • Out-of-hours Automation

    Calls go straight to voicemail during out of hours, so you can respond to your customers when you’re free.

  • Timed Diverts

    We can help route your calls efficiently, so calls divert to the right person at the right time.

  • Call Whispers

    A message, or ‘whisper’, will tell you who’s calling and what for, so you can handle the call appropriately.

What are you waiting for?

Start receiving calls in less than 5 minutes. Simply choose a landline number and tell us which mobile to divert calls to.

Just £9.95 /mo

You can set up instantly, with no minimum contracts and no hidden fees.

Got a question or need help getting started? Our UK team is ready and waiting.

  • Give us a call

    We’re in the office from 9am until 5.30pm every week day. Just give us a call for free.

    0800 292 6789

  • Drop us an email

    We’re available at the drop of an e-mail. Just send a message to

    Send an e-mail

  • Start a live chat

    We’re usually available to chat, just click the button below to start a chat with one of us.

  • Login to your account

    If you have an account you can login to manage your phone numbers with ease.

    Login to the portal